Designed to suit the Case IH Austoft sugarcane harvester, the primary extractor modification reduces the overall height of the harvester. The genuine hydraulic fan motor on the Case IH harvester sits above the extractor hood which exceeds the overall height limit during transportation. The EHS modification lowers the motor below the extractor hood, giving a flush mount finish. This eliminates …
900 BaseCutter Box
The 900 Basecutter Box is the biggest basecutter box EHS Manufacturing currently build for the John Deere sugarcane harvester. At 43% greater opening then the standard box the 900 Basecutter box is extra wide to suit 2.4 metre controlled traffic. This gives better flow from the basecutters, across the feed rollers and into the choppers. Even feeding through the centre …
Recently featured in the Canegrower Robust and aggressive designed chopper systems with more blades have been the answer to faster and more productive cane harvesters as contractors and operators look to save time and money to get the harvesting done and dusted as quickly and efficiently as possible. This comes at a cost to the grower and miller as a …
In colabaration with DAF (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries) , EHS Manufacturing have designed and manufactured the StoolZippa closing wheel. Primarily for use on sugar cane ratoons, the closing wheel system could also be utilised in other croping situations to reduce fertiliser and chemical run off. The project objectives are to reduce Imiacloprid (Confidor) run off Nitrogen run off and …