EHS manufacturing are pleased to release the new CaneStalker sugar cane harvester crop divider. Through extensive research, development and past experience with BSES crop divider, EHS have produced a new innovative Patented design that produces quality in field performance and operation. In consultation with Sugar Research Australia, field testing has provided excellent results for harvester maximisation and reduced 'Glut' feeding. With no harvester modifications required the Canestalker fronts are built to suit both Case IH and John Deere harvesters including the JD CH570.
Heavy cane crops that result in lodging are always a challenge when cutting both green or burnt, with the Canestalker attached these challenges can be overcome with increased efficiency in main design changes compared to conventional crop dividers.
Our main goal at EHS is to ' First lift it, then sort it' with this approach the primary auger is set at 40deg giving a decrease in approach angle and increases initial lift capability. Coupled with the sorting augers being set at 60deg, this allows the cane to lift and travel to the top of the middle auger to a 1 metre diameter three points of contact arc. At this transition stage the sorting takes place to present the cane correctly to the base cutters and feed train. This in turn gives uniform feed to the roller train, assisting in reducing losses at the choppers and extractor caused by 'Glut' feeding
It was indicated in the early design stage of Canestalkers, that the team at EHS proved matching forward speed and spiral lift speed was critical. The front end of a cane harvester has not changed much over the years and also is quite poorly matched to ground speed. On most current machines, the spiral performance is limited to 4km/hr ground speed in really lodged crops. Crops cut faster then this create irreversible damage to stool, causes split billets and a drop in crop yield for the years to come.
With the Canestalker design we wanted to keep the minimum ground speed at 6km/hr for the economics of harvesting, without seeing the damage that is occurring with conventional crop dividers. It is our intent to eliminate the use of side trim knives as they also cause unrecoverable losses.
The Canestalker crop divider is one of the many additions to the range of harvester maximisation products that EHS Manufacturing have designed, built and tested, to reduce crop losses and maximise profitability.
- Low rpm two start wrap for maximum lift at high ground speed
- Live point or slip on shoe configuration
- Easy to fit no modifications required
- Genuine Case assembly parts
- Variable flow controller, giving ease of auger rpm adjustment on the run and in comfort of the cab
International Patent Application Number: PCT/AU2019/000070
International Patent Publication Number: WO 2019/227125

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